It is an attribute of all html elements, used to uniquely identify Html elements. it gives unique identity to html…
Class is an attribute or property of all html elements, used to apply style or css to change look and…
HTML is static, it means elements default behavior cannot be changed. so to change its default behavior and to manipulate…
In Html, elements have two level of display properties, either block level elements or inline elements. Block level html elements…
HTML comments are not visible to user, because it is not processed or rendered by web browser.It is used by…
Style attribute changes the look and feel of any html tag or element. it uses css properties as value to…
It is webpage short description which gives user an idea about webpage. it is displayed next to favicon on web…
It is an image with size of 20px x 20px, displayed left in title bar of web browser. For favicon…
CSS letter-spacing property used to add space between characters of a word.
CSS text-transform property is used to change case of text. i.e. Lowercase, Uppercase and Capitalize. text-trasform:capitalize, makes the first letter…