C Program Structure
C programming language has a predefined program structure. These structure are divided into different sections, which helps to make c code more readable and easier to maintain. Some section in c program structure are optional but some are mandatory. The program structure sections are as follows.
- Documentation section
- Preprocessor section (Link)
- Definition section
- Global declaration
- Main function
- User defined functions (Subprograms)
Documentation section
This is the first section and always comes at the beginning or top of c program structure, which is used to provide information about c program.
- Name of Program
- Date
- Purpose or description of Program
- Developer name
This Documentation section is created using multiline comments.
Name of Program: Calculator
Date: 06-02-2025
Description: Basic Mathematical operations
Developer name: XYZ
This section is optional, but it is a good practice to add documentation in c program.
Preprocessor section
This section is used to include c header files which is further used by c program. It is also called link section. This preprocessor section comes after documentation section.
Definition section
This section of c program structure is used for #define symbolic constants. #define is also called macros. This Definition section comes after preprocessor section.
#define PI 3.14
Global Declaration
This global declaration section in a c program structure, contains all global variables and functions which are accessible in the entire c program. This is generally declared outside of or above main() function. This Global Declaration section comes after Definition section.
// Global Declaration of variable and function
int age;
float speed;
void add(int no1, int no2);
main() function
This is the entry point of c program from where executions of program begins. Here all operations, function calling are performed. This main() function section comes after Global Declaration section.
void main(){
int a = 50;
User defined functions or Subprograms
These are function definition, which contains set of statements, which executes whenever function is called. It helps in dividing c program into subprograms and increase code readability. This User defined functions section comes after main() section.
C Program structure Example
// Documentation Section
Name of Program: Calculator
Date: 06-02-2025
Description: Basic Mathematical operations
Developer name: XYZ
//Preprocessor section (Link)
//Definition section
#define PI 3.14
//Global Declaration section
int age = 30;
void sayHello();
// main function section
void main(){
printf("age is %d", age);
// User defined functions(Subprograms) section
void sayHello(){