Form - HTML

Form has different types of HTML input elements to collect user data. Form sends the collected user data to server.


<!-- Input elements to collect user data -->

Form Attributes:

1) Method : Specifies the HTTP method to send(Submit) user data to server.
2) Action : Webpage URL to submit user data.
3) Enctype : Encoding type of Submitted User data.
4) Autocomplete : By default autocomplete is on, to automatically fill in the form inputs.

Following are the HTML input elements are used with Form tag

1) <input> or  <input type="text"/>
2) <input type="button"/>
3) <input type="submit"/>
4) <input type="radio"/>
5) <input type="checkbox"/>
6) <textarea></textarea>
7) <select></select>


First name:
<input type="text" id="userfirstname" />
<input type="submit" value="submit" />