Output in C

In C, Output can be printed on user computer screen or written on file. To Output, a program needs input from user using standard input device(keyboard) or a file. To Output, c provide printf() function, to use <stdio.h> header file must be included in c program.


printf("format_specifier", variable);

printf takes two arguments

format_specifierThe type of data accepted as input.
variableOnly variable name.



int main()
 int a;
 printf("Enter a value: ");
 scanf("%d", &a);
 printf("\nValue is %d", a);
return 0;
Enter a value: 30
Value is 30

Multiple Output using printf()

Single printf() function can be used for multiple Outputs.



int main()
 int a , b;
 float f;

 printf("Enter a value separated by space: ");
 scanf("%d %d %f", &a, &b, &f);
 printf("\nValues are: ");
 printf("%d %d %f", a, b, f);
return 0;
Enter a value separated by space: 50, 90 3.14
50 90 3.14

Integer Output using printf()

For integer Output %d format specifier is used.


int main()
 int a; 
 printf("Enter a value: ");
 scanf("%d", &a);
 printf("\n%d", a);
return 0;

float Output using printf()

For float Output %f format specifier is used.


int main()
 float flt; 
 printf("Enter a decimal value: ");
 scanf("%f", &flt);
 printf("\n%f", flt);
return 0;

Character Output using printf()

For character Output %c format specifier is used.


int main()
 char chr; 
 printf("Enter a character: ");
 scanf("%c", &chr);
 printf("%c", chr);
return 0;

String Output using printf()

For string Output %s format specifier is used.


int main()
 char *str; 
 printf("Enter a string: ");
 scanf("%s", str);
 printf("%s", str);
return 0;