Magic constants PHP

In PHP, magic constants are pre-defined, and used according to its value. These values cannot be changed, can only be used.

Magic constants starts with double underscore and ends with double underscore and in between magic constant name in capital. Magic constants are case-insensitive.

PHP provides 9 different types of magic constants.

Magic constantsUse
__CLASS__Returns class name.
__DIR__Returns directory name.
__FILE__Returns file name.
__FUNCTION__Returns function name.
__LINE__Returns line name.
__METHOD__Returns method name with its class name.
__NAMESPACE__Returns namespace name.
__TRAIT__Returns trait name.
ClassName::classReturns specified class name and namespace.



class YourShala
    public function myClassName(){
        return __CLASS__;
$x= new YourShala();
echo $x->myClassName(); 


  echo "Current directory: " .  __DIR__ ;


function myTestFunction(){
 echo __FUNCTION__;


 echo "Line number is: " . __LINE__;


class YourShala
    public function myMethodName(){
        return __METHOD__;
$x= new YourShala();
echo $x->myMethodName(); 


namespace YourShala;

class Car
    public function myNameSpace(){
        return __NAMESPACE__;
$x= new Car();
echo $x->myNameSpace(); 



trait Company{  
    function companyName(){  
        echo __trait__;  
class Car
   use Company; // trait is used
$x= new Car();
echo $x->companyName(); 



namespace YourShala;
class Car
echo Car::class; //Classname::class