Regular expression also called RegEx, is a pattern of characters used to find, replace, split text from a given string and also validates input. Regular expression is case sensitive. It allows to works with single character to a complicated string pattern easily.
PHP Regular expression functions
finds only first match of searched string in given string. If found returns true.
finds all matches in a given string.
It finds the searched pattern string and replace it with given string and returns new string.
It searches the given pattern in a string and split the string and returns array.
It adds backslash at the beginning and where the match found in a given string.
Regular Expression Modifiers
case sensitive search and replace
multiline search and replace (By default single line)
Matches UTF-8 characters
Regular Expression Patterns
Find string or characters inside brackets
[^Hello Worldz]
Do not find string or characters inside brackets
[l-o] [^Hello Worldz]
Finds all character From l to O in a given string and replace it.
[l-o] [^Hello Worldz]
Finds all Uppercase and lowercase character From l to O in a given string and replace it.
[H-W] [^Hello Worldz]
Finds all Uppercase character From H to W in a given string and replace it.
Finds digit(s) in given string
Find digit from 0 to 5 in given string.
Either of text
any of given characters or string
any single character
start of the string
find match at the end of string
to group expression
given characters inside bracket
not any given characters inside bracket
find digits from 0-9
do not find digits
finds any digit or character
do not any digit or character
Find match at the beginning of sentence
Finds whitespace character, newline or tab
Finds non-whitespace character, newline or tab
Matches any string if contain at least one r
Matches any string if contain one or more r
Matches any string if contain one or zero r
matches any string with a sequence of A r's.
Matches any string which contains sequence of A to B r's
Matches any string which contains sequence of at least A r's