PHP Introduction
PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor a recursive acronym. before this, Its original full form was Personal Homepage.
It is a Open source, server side scripting language and general purpose programming language, developed by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994.
- It is used to develop Web applications
- PHP script can be embedded in HTML.
- It is Open Source, so it is available for free download.
- PHP works with so many different databases like MySql, SqlLite, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, and Microsoft SQL Server.
- Its file extension is .php
- With PHP, you can build any type of web application like content management system(CMS), E-Commerce, Social media, Matrimony, Search engine etc.
- PHP run on any platform like Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X etc.
- PHP runs on server, so dynamic and interactive web applications can be created very easily.
What PHP file contains
PHP file can contain PHP code, HTML, CSS or Javascript.
What is required to learn PHP
HTML and CSS, Javascript are necessary to learn, because HTML create web page structure, CSS gives look and feel to the web page structure and Javascript allows user to interact with web pages elements.
What PHP server returns
PHP pages are converted to HTML and returned to web browser in JSON or XHTML format.
PHP Features
- cross-platform language
- Open-source and free
- Simple
- fast
- Platform Independent
- Database Support
- Secured
- Community support