Traits in PHP

Traits in PHP, allows to use or share its code in multiple classes without inheritance. Following are the features of using traits in PHP.

  1. Trait is introduced in PHP version 5.4
  2. It allows to reuse code in multiple classes.
  3. Traits objects cannot be created. it can only be used by classes.
  4. Trait removes the problem of single inheritance, by getting used in different classes despite of hierarchy.
  5. Class can use more than one traits.
  6. A trait can use another trait.


trait traitname{

 public function function_name(arguments){
    //set of statements


Create a Trait

trait myTrait{

 public function sayHello(){
    return "Hello";


Using a Trait

To use a trait in a class, use keyword is used with trait name.

trait myTrait{

 public function sayHello(){
    return "Hello";


class myClass{
use myTrait;

$obj = new myClass();
echo $obj->sayHello();


Using multiple Traits in a class

To use multiple traits in a class, use keyword is followed by traits name are separated by comma.


class myclass{

 use trait1, trait2, trait3;




trait myTrait{

 public function sayHello(){
    return "Hello";


trait Byee{

 public function sayBye(){
    return '<br/>'. "Bye";


class myClass{
use myTrait, Byee;

$obj = new myClass();
echo $obj->sayHello();
echo $obj->sayBye();
