OOP stands for object oriented programming. To implement OOP in PHP, class and its objects are used, and objects are created from class, where class hold data and functions, and object is used to access functions and data. PHP introduced OOP in PHP5.

OOP Characteristics

when a program is written using OOP, it has following advantages

AbstractionThis features Hide implementation details of a class.
EncapsulationHold or binds data and function together. i.e. class.
InheritanceAcquiring parent class data and function in its child class.
PolymorphismTo use single function for different task.

To implement OOP in PHP, needs to create a class and its objects.

Class user defined data type to create class holds data and function in a single unit.

Procedure Oriented languageOOPSUSE
Data/variableData Members/PropertiesHolds or store data
Function Member Function or MethodsAccess or perform operations on member function
ObjectsObjects are used to access class members (variable & function).
ConstructorInitializes data members with default value.
DestructorFrees memory by removing unused objects.