PHP Constants

Constants in PHP, are the values which cannot be changed, once assigned, during program execution. In PHP, constants can be created in two ways:

  1. define(name, value)
  2. const keyword

Constants should be in uppercase by convention and also they are case-sensitive by default.

Constant with define()

define() takes two Parameters

define ParametersDescription
nameIt is constant name, it is used to access constant value should be in uppercase.
valueit is the constant value.


define(name, value);


  define("MYCONSTANT", "Hello from yourshala");

const keyword

Defining constant with const keyword is like define a normal variable with const keyword. only difference between const and normal variable is, with const variable, value cannot be changed throughout the program.


const CONSTANT_NAME = value;

Value must be assigned to const, other wise it gives error.


 const MYCONSTANT = "Hello from yourshala";

Constants scope is global by-default it means constant can be accessed anywhere in PHP script.

define("MYCONSTANT", "Hello from define()");
const CONST_PHP = "Hello from const keyword";

function test(){
 echo MYCONSTANT . "<br/>";
 echo CONST_PHP;

Difference between define() and const

define constants can be created and used inside blocks like if, else, for, while, do-while loops etc.const keyword constant cannot be created and used inside blocks like if, else, for, while, do-while loops etc.


with define()

for($a=0; $a <= 5; $a++){
       define("MYCONSTANT", "Hello from yourshala PHP");
       echo MYCONSTANT;
Hello from yourshala PHP
Hello from yourshala PHP"
Hello from yourshala PHP"
Hello from yourshala PHP"
Hello from yourshala PHP"

With const keyword

for($a=0;$a <= 20;$a++){
       const MYCONSTANT = "Hello from PHP";
       echo MYCONSTANT;
Output: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected token "const"
$a = 20;
if($a == 20){
       const MYCONSTANT = "Hello from PHP";
       echo MYCONSTANT;
Output: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected token "const"